Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kadence E. - 3 Months

Hello again, Miss Kadence!  We're finally catching up on some of our little ones!  Last weekend we caught up with Kadence for her 3 month session. 

Every child reacts differently to being photographed.  Kadence is one that I'm having to wear down slowly into liking the experience.  She's so independent already, wanting to move and sit on her own.  We started out great with smiles and giggles, taking note that Kadence's favorite outfit to wear is her birthday suit.  But a few outfits later we slowly faded into "I want a nap, leave me alone you crazy lady."

We managed to get a few shots with each of her outfits picked out by her mother, Ashley.  Ashley brought us her wedding dress and an adorable pink romper for Kadence.  So cute!  And I'm loving the girlie bows and headbands...

I look forward to her next appointment at 6 months.  At 3 months, she's already very close to sitting on her own.  I can't wait to see what she does with little more freedom!

See more of Kadence's session in her video highlights!
To see in HD, visit us on Facebook or YouTube!

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